New content

Coming soon – a redo of my content. I still crochet and knit, but, recently, I have begun deco journaling and building a planner. I hope to document everything here and on Instagram. I also hope to open a Patreon where I will share exclusive content and host swaps and giveaways.

Squares #0013-0016

Total number of completed squares – 87.

Square #0013


Square #0014


Square #0015


Square #0016



Squares #0009-0012

Three rows down, three to go on scrap-ghan 01. All the squares are finished; just waiting to be photographed and sewn together.

Square #0009


Square #0010


Square #0011


Square #0012



Squares #0005-0008

Doing some catchup. These four squares finish up the first two rows of Scrap-ghan 01. These squares are from a pattern. I altered some of it to fit my style.

Square #0005


Square #0006


Square #0007


Square #0008



Square #0003 and #0004

The third set of squares from this scrap-ghan are being blocked, so, here are two squares from the second row. No extra time to make fancy videos for these.

Square #0003.


Square #0004.



Square #0002

Square #0002. Also posted on Instagram and Pinterest. I have enough squares finished to try to post several each week.

If you are interested in helping, please click on the Donations tab for more info.



Square #0001

Square #0001 is up. Check out my Instagram page for the upgraded version. All squares will be cataloged on the Squares page.



I’m back…

Hello, again,

I am launching a new project/series. I’ve been thinking about what to do, next. Recently, I was listening to a podcast about artists/makers, and a fiber artist was talking about her installation of 1000 doilies. I’ve always liked the idea of 1000 things. (1000 folded cranes, etc.)

So, what could I make 1000 of? At the time, I had started making crocheted afghans as a way to use leftover yarn from my stash. I call them “Scrap-ghans”. I planned to give them to the local animal shelter. Could I make 1000 afghans? Probably not.

But, I could probably make 1000 squares. So, that’s what I am doing. Making 1000 squares to be assembled into Scrap-ghans. So far, I’ve got a good start. I will be posting pictures of individual squares with their designations, here; on Pinterest; and on Instagram.

Squares are/will be from patterns; altered patterns; and my own design; and assembled into afghans.  Again, all of the Scrap-ghans will be donated to local animal shelters.

In addition, I will be posting ways people can help/support this project, as soon as the first square is posted.

This will be the first of several “1000” themed projects to come.

Stay tuned for Square #0001…


If you have been here before, you may notice a lot of missing posts. They are not gone, just made private. I’m rebooting the site. Starting fresh. Stayed tuned for a big announcement.

Secret Santa Swap update.

Just a quick update to let you know what’s going on. I’m still missing notification of mailing or will be mailing from one participant. If you are that participant, please contact me!

Otherwise, great tags and everyone who has received their package, so far, is very happy. 🙂

Look for more swaps after the new year. I’m also looking for new ideas for swaps – all are welcome. 🙂

Happy Holidays!